Fun Games for Kids At Home

Sometimes it is rainy, sometimes blustery. Sometimes it is too dark and cold and sometimes too warm. Then there are other times when you just don’t feel like sending the kids out to play. Whatever be your reasons for wanting to keep the kids at home, it is important to find them some occupation that will prevent them from getting restless. This is because hanging out inside invariably gives rise to boredom in the young ones. And the best way to deal with the indoor blues is to arm yourself with some fun games for kids that can be enjoyed at home. We help you keep a few ideas handy to sail through the indoor days, whenever they announce themselves.

  • Fun Games for Kids Online

One of the best ways to keep kids occupied indoors is to introduce them to the scores of engaging and fun games for kids available online. From educational games to games meant only for pleasure, there is a huge variety to choose from. And if the niggling worry about video games not being good for kids starts bothering you, slash it with the news of the latest studies which reveal such games are actually a great way to improve multitasking skills. It has been revealed that kids who play video games are better at multitasking, retaining information, and the ability to focus. So you can go ahead and safely let your kids indulge in the fun games that they so seem to enjoy!

  • Balloon Animal Games

Balloon games are great indoor games that can liven up any party or a dull day at home! From making dragonflies to making giraffes, these colorful and inexpensive little wonders can be twisted to make a number of different animal shapes that kids absolutely love. What’s more, trying to twist balloons to resemble animals and other objects greatly benefits a kid’s fine motor skills. Wondering if making a balloon animal is your child’s cup of tea or not? Fret not; they are not half as tricky as they look. Balloon games are one of the best loved fun games for kids at home. Try them out!

  • Shadow Puppet Show

Don’t be fooled by a cardboard box’s humble appearance – it is a goldmine of many fun games for kids and many great activities for kids and grown-ups alike! A shadow puppet show is just the kind of activity that you need to keep both kids and grown-ups happy and excited on an indoor kind of day. Just cut a cardboard box to make it look like an arch, fix a sheet of tissue paper from the inside, light it up with a torchlight and let the puppet show begin. You don’t have to write a story from scratch and make relevant puppets for the show. Pick up your kids favorite nursery rhyme or fairytale and get started!


Supplement Classroom Learning with Free Kids Games

07/24/2013 16:36
It’s all about capturing the wandering attentions of restless kids in the classroom. While it may seem like a simple task to some, others (mostly teachers) can vouch for the contradictory! If you want to drive home an important concept or ensure that the kids are enjoying their lessons and learning...


Online Games for Kids – How Safe is my Child?

06/22/2013 15:09
The average parent thinks online games are just another form of mindless entertainment for kids. The well-informed ones know that online kids’ games also give their child the opportunity to develop and exercise important life skills such as problem solving and critical thinking, practice social...
