12 activities for 2015

01/13/2015 09:04

Calendar by Tanakawho

It's the start of a new year. Time to make lists and try out new things. Here's a list of 12 suggestions for you to try.

January: Read a book about new beginnings.

February: Try out a snow activity like sledding, skiing or snowboarding. If you have younger kids, build a snowman or make a snow angel and decorate it. No snow? Build a mudman. Go on try it. 

March: The whole family can play a game, be it a board game, a multiplayer online game, or a scavenger hunt.

April: Try your hand at an artistic endeavour - painting, pottery or pot painting!

May: Plan an unusual outdoor trip - fruit picking, visit a carnival or just go park hopping and explore the city.

June: Participate in a 'green activity'. Visit a National Park or plant a kitchen garden.

July: Organize a family based activity - meet your relatives over a picnic, draw a family tree or call up relatives you have not spoken to in a while.

August: Set aside this month to listen to different genres of music or watch a variety of dances. Include the old and the contemporary.

September: Try and read up about kids and schooling in various parts of the world. The languages they study in.

October: Learn something practical - try your hand at baking, cooking, plumbing or maybe building something.

November: Make homemade gifts for Christmas for your friends and family. Something simple and appealing.

December: Learn to make a paper snowflake and decorate your home with a wide variety of snowflakes.

Take stock at the end of the year - did you have a fun time trying out the suggestions on this list? 

