3 Hacks to Get Younger Kids Comfortably Back to School

08/19/2016 17:35

Children at School by Lucelia Ribeiro

You want your kids back at school happy and chirpy, you have got to help them. After the long summer vacation where schedules have relaxed and kids have gotten into habits not suitable for a school week, they need help to get back to happy school week mood. Here are 3 hacks:

1. Wake up earlier gradually

About 10 days before school begins, gradually wake up the kids earlier. Gently and with something exciting to do. Their body clock feels comfortable about waking up earlier by the time school starts.

2. Sleep Earlier

While you do the first one, make sure you get them into bed a wee bit early every day. Perhaps read them a longer book, or tell them a longer story, but make sure the bedtime routine starts earlier.

3. Talk about School 

Build up the excitement of returning to school. Meeting friends, a new teacher and fun stuff to learn. Make sure the school supplies are all purchased. A bag all ready. Encourage kids to enjoy math. Talk about the possible new topics the kids might learn about. Use your imagination, make it exciting. 

Such small things, put kids in the right mood to get back to school. There is always a lethargy to return to school but this will make things easier. 


