3 Silly Games to Play While Traveling

07/10/2015 15:52


Kids in the Boot by Ben Francis

Come summer and we see a lot of kids and parents on the move. Short trips, long trips, tips to go camping, visitng grandparents or just on a road trip. Sometimes these trips can get a little trying on younger kids. It's common to see a parent sitting in the rear seat entertaining the kids. Well, here are 3 silly games to play while traveling:

1. Try and Count

This is a fairly straightforward game. The challenge it to try and count every passing car or truck or bird or signpost or railway crossings or eating joint or anything else the kids decide. E.g. Pick trucks, and count every truck that passes you. If these are infrequent, pick cars. As the density of vehicles increases, it's great fun to see that no car is missed. To make it more complicated, kids could count a certain type of car or a particular brand. 

2. Mouth Shut Game

This game can leave kids in splits. The game requires players to take turns to speak with their mouth shut. Yes, mouth shut. It's extremely difficult, and younger kids could try keeping their jaws together, while their lips move. It's for the rest of the players to guess what was said. 

3. I spy game

Here the game might deteriorate into a loud shouting match - be warned. Players can take turns to spot something coming up, and announce it. It's for the other players to spot it...before you have driven past it. You could start this game by spotting things inside the car and slowly move outside. 

Play these games, and may the silliness be with you!


