4 Fun Madagascar Games for Active Kids

02/10/2015 14:40

If your kids loved the Madagascar movies, they’ll definitely love playing Madagascar games online. But when you have a bunch of active little tykes to engage and entertain, these fun Madagascar games are sure to be a hit. Check them out!

HPIM1338” by Nico Cavallotto, licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Hippo Sack Race

Gloria the Hippo loves this fun Madagascar game!

You will need

·         1 Burlap or fiber sack per child

·         Sidewalk chalk

·         Black and white construction paper

·         Scissors

·         Glue

How to play

·         Invite the kids to make their own Gloria the Hippo tails using the construction paper, scissors and glue.

·         Use the chalk to draw a start and finish line across the backyard.

·         Hand out the sacks and have everyone attach the tails to the sacks.

·         Line up the kids behind the start line and have them race off at the word “Go!”

·         The first child past the finish line wins the race!

Wobbly Penguins Race

This Madagascar game is a perennial party favorite with kids.

You will need

·         1 large spoon per child

·         1 balloon per child

·         Sidewalk chalk

How to play

·         Inflate the balloons and hand them out to the kids.

·         Draw a start and finish line in your backyard.

·         Hand out the spoons and invite everyone to line up behind the start line.

·         Kids must place the inflated balloon on the spoon and hold it away from their body.

·         At the word “Go!” everyone must carry their spoon to the finish line without dropping the balloon. If the balloon drops, the child must go back to the start line and try again.

·         At the finish line, the kids must place their balloon on the ground and sit on it in order to pop it.

·         The first child to pop his/her balloon wins the race.

Passing the Worry Bag

This Madagascar game is a fun version of the classic Hot Potato game.

You will need

·         A large bag filled with books or other large objects.

How to play

The Worry Bag is filled with worrywart Melman’s worries. And all those worries want to get out and get your kids into trouble. And just like the Hot Potato game, players must pass the bag as quickly as possible so the worries won’t fly out and attack them.

Musical Penguins

This Madagascar game is a cooler version of the classic Musical Chairs.

You will need

·         Madagascar-themed music

·         Colored pictures of Madagascar characters

·         Chairs

How to play

·         Tape a picture of each of the Madagascar characters to the chairs and arrange the chairs back to back in two rows.

·         The total number of chairs should be one less than the number of players.

·         When the music starts, players must waddle around the chairs.

·         When the music stops, everyone scrambles for a chair and sits down.

·         The player who fails to get a chair is out of the game.

·         For the next round, remove one chair and continue.

·         The last player left wins the game.

