Active Games For After Thanksgiving

11/25/2016 08:27

T for Thanksgiving + T for Turkey = Double Trouble

Wondering why? Well, with our lifestyles which are typified by sitting, stuffing ourselves with a heavy Thanksgiving meal and then lying about watching a game, there's little else to expect. We are overloaded and as grownups setting a bad precedence for our kids.

IMG_0444 by Ryan and Sarah Deeds

In this digital world where kids spend a lot of time playing online games, going so far as to play virtual pet games instead of playing with real pets, setting our kids a good example by playing some active games is good constructive parenting. Let's still do all the stuffing and lying about for it is Thanksgiving, but let's have some active games afterwards!

Active Games For Kids and Adults:

1. This best be played outside weather permitting. Two at a time can play at a time. Like a knockout. Mark two lines. Around each, drop 10-15 small things which fit your palm(should not be small or sharp). The two players start at the starting line. The challenge is to see who finishes going down the line first. On the way they need to pick up the things dropped along the line. The winner is the one who reaches first along with all the objects.

2. Play Twister in a cleared up space. It might be a children’s game, but it can be great fun even for adults. Be warned, you might need to losen the rules for older people.

3. Stand in a cleared up space. On the whistle, everyone balances on one foot. See who can stand the longest. When that's done, see who can stand longest on one foot but with books balanced on the head. Want to make it more complex? Try adding things to every limb!

4. Compete to do push ups and eat popcorn out of a bowl directly with your mouth

5. Wear socks and slide around on the wooden floor. Move the furniture and make sure the slide track is smooth. 

6. Play loud music and dance till everyone flops down in tiredness!

7. If the weather's good, take the kids for a walk. Jumping into leaf piles is something everybody loves - the adults can  try this year!

Now that you have awesome ways to burn all that we have eaten, go ahead and eat the leftovers in peace. The kids too understand how important an active lifestle is. With Thanksgiving behind us, it's time to think ahead of winter. Enjoy some outdoor play with the kids. Hope your Thanksgiving was fun!


