Engaging Kids

03/01/2016 14:17

Parents and teachers have noticed a distinct reduction is attention spans. According to a study, humans have an 8 sec attention span while a goldfish has one of 9 secs! Alas, beaten by a goldfish.

As kids get onto a degital device at a very young age, they are inundated by content, which leaves them skimming through all that comes their way. They might muulti task very well, but they rarely have the ability to read through something in great detail. Even while playing educational online games kids many a time use cheats to reach their goals quickly. There is a distinct hurry to finish things and move on. 

Avery and Jaelyn by Donnie Ray Jones

Three suggestions to ensure that kids don't grow up to be adults who need de addiction from their digital devices:

1. Encourage kids to play outside in the real world with real people

There is a reason why video games are trying to be more realistic. It's more immerssive. Artists and designers are trying hard to make games more realistic. This makes playing the game more fun. Instead of imitationg reality, it is simpler to get kids to play outside in a natural environment.  The list of games which can be played outside is long, and once kids start to enjoy them, they also morph the rules to make the game their own. While playing with real people, kids learn to deal with people and their emotions. It helps them understand, that everyone plays an important role in the real world, and that adapting to changing situations is key to being happy. 

2. Spend time in Nature

Swinging from a tree, jumping of a wall. clambering over rocks, swimming in a pond - there is rarely anything to beat such simple pleasure. Kids learn to negotiate elements in the natural world with peers or family members. These situations help kids build stregnth, agility, tolerance, patience and an understanding of Nature. There are no cheats to see an egg hatch into a bird, while watching a nest. One has to wait patiently! 

3. Encourage kids to participate in things at home

This world is increasingly going the digital way. We might not be able to stall or control that, but we can try hard to make sure our kids know of non-digital alternatives, which are fun and engaging. Family life is all about cooperative living. While one cooks, the other waters plants type of cooperation. Everyone in a family must be given 'jobs'. This helps kids feel a sense of belonging. It helps kid learn to deal with people. Their social behavior improves and they learn the 'give and take' of real life. 

A parent's job is to engage with kids in ways which are beneficial to them in the long run. Putting in this effort might seem difficult, but the enjoyment derived and the wonderful memories created, will enrich the lives of all involved. Time has a way of passing rather swiftly, so let's try to do it right for we won't have the time to do it over. Enjoy your time with the kids and see the good this does all around. 





